
Our Network Connects Your Brand to Real People.

Enhance your ad strategy by leveraging the APMC network. Utilize our advanced monetization solutions to significantly expand your reach and increase your revenue streams.

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We enable you to get seen on the biggest screen in the home.

Premium connected TV inventory to secure your brand's presence during the most captivating content.

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160+ Countries

and Territories

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50M+ MAU

across APMC

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Access multiple platforms in one network for maximum scale and ease.

Available through direct, or programmatic channels through Safe Exchange.

Kidoodle.TV Logo
Victory+ Logo
Dude Perfect Logo
Glitch Plus Logo

Hisense Logo
Samsung TV Plus Logo
Canela Media Logo
Vizio Ads Logo
Wurl Logo
Amagi Logo
Philo Logo
Loop TV Logo
OrkaTV Logo
Vidaa Logo
Televisa Univision Logo
Cineverse Logo